Monday, October 1, 2007

I got back from a mini vacation in Barcelona yesterday. It was so fun. Did all the tourist stuff and saw all the buildings nerdy architecture students would enjoy. I really liked Barcelona, but I´m glad I chose to spend my 4 months study abroad in Granada. Barcelona is swarming with tourists and chorizos (bad guys). But it was awesome to see Gaudí, Mies, Meier, Nouvel and Calatrava´s architecture.

Sagrada Familia
Niki and I at Parc Güell
Mom and I Arc del Triomf
Rooftop Casa Mila


Sarah McIntire said...

Hahaha i bet we have more chorizos in rio! I´m going to visit aper soon oct 24-30. woo!

Annie Mac said...

oooh! that looks awesome. spain sounds so exciting.