Monday, September 24, 2007

Granada has at least one hair shop, shoe store and bar on every block.. no joke! It´s a woman´s trap winding through the labyrinth of streets. So many amazing shoes! But now I´m desensitized from all the clothing stores around. There´s also a ton of baby stores. Babies -like pets here- are another accessory. So many moms and dads pushing around well dressed babies in expensive strollers. I was tempted to buy my little brother, Reece, something, but he´ll grow out of it in a couple weeks. Better watch where you step on these streets, they´re littered with bombas or mounds of dog crap. I guess picking up after your dog here is a policy not enforced.

The hippies here have the most dogs. Three dogs to one hippy. The parks have gangs of hippies listening to music and bathing in the fountains. They walk around barefoot with long dreads dangling down their backs. There are a lot of hippies here, just living freely... their not a nuisance or anything just different. If it´s not the hippies distracting me it´s the Spanish couples groping eachother. People are just really affectionate here, and making out 3 feet away from me is common.

So I´m pretty sure my Señora does not know my name, or my roomate´s name. She calls us niñas and that´s all. She´s funny, very traditional lady. She keeps asking me if I have a Spanish boyfriend yet, and she tells me stories of these American girls she knows who fell in love with a Spaniard and live in Granada now. Every time there´s a knock on the door or the phone rings she looks at me and shouts "¡tu novio!" Señora teases us all the time! She mocks us when we studder or when we pronounce something badly. It´s really funny actually. Our Spanish friends make fun our accents and mock us sometimes, but we tease them as well.
I went to Generalife on Sunday. It´s the gardens of the Alhambra, or Red Castle. It was magical! So beautiful, I really enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Sarah McIntire said...

hot architecture...but where are the pics of my hot jmac?