Wednesday, November 28, 2007

¡hola! no he escrito en mi blog hace mucho tiempo...

A couple weekends ago I went hiking in the Alpujarras, a series of pueblos strung across the mountains. It was a relief to get out of the city, and endulge the fresh mountain air! The city we stayed at was called Capiliera, and our hiking guide told us that in the Alpujarras they fabricate this red wine called la Costa -which of course we had to try! We stumbled upon a small bar that night, and had some (lots) of Costa -very pure and strong. I chatted with the bartender for a bit and told him I was from Ohio. Surprisingly he was familiar with it. Turns out that his old antique cash registrar was manufactured in Dayton!

I had a nice Thanksgiving with my studies abroad group. The directors organized a dinner at a restaurant on the Plaza de Gran Capitán. The food was good... different good. The turkey was a weird texture, kinda like meatloaf, but good flavor. ¡toma!

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