Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I got a haircut the other day! My mop-top frightened the little Spanish ladies when I walked into the Peluquería. It was difficult to communicate what I had wanted done, but eventually we worked something out. Apprehensive at first, she cut and styled my hair. She did a good job, it´s nice, shorter -gotta get use to it.

I played poker with some Spanish friends last weekend. There´s a bar where everyone brings their own cards and chips and plays for hours. We ended up playing til 4 A.M. At first I thought the boys were just trying to get Niki and I´s money, but Niki -because of beginner´s luck :) - won 10 euros. It was a fun night, a nice break from nights out of clubbing.

Last night Niki and I went with a couple friends to the thermal baths in Santa Fe, right outside Granada. After driving around in the olive tree fields for like 40 min, they finally found the baths. It was like a natural jacuzzi, with large stones and a waterfall. It was the perfect temperature to keep us warm in the cool night. We chatted and watched the stars for a couple hours, very relaxing :)

1 comment:

sarah mac said... dont wanna go for that 44 yr old? muahaha i am so immature and you love it. ps i laughed out loud when i read about your mop top mess of hair on your head! hahahahhaa